Optimal Distribution of Tasks in Human-Autonomy Teaming

Ph.D. Research @ Automotive Research Center

University of Michigan

| Overview

The research created an AI framework to prepare autonomy to collaborate with humans in dynamic strategic operations, considering adversarial dynamics, unforeseen events, human characteristics, workload & resource reduction, and adaptive team design under evolving situations.

A UE4 game platform was developed for actual human players to interact with autonomy in Virtual Reality, with the help of NN-based workload adaptive UI.

Another line of work focused on 1) quantifying and understanding agent- and team-level coordination in dynamically varying situations through causal inference and community detection techniques and 2) adaptation & learning in open novelty.

| Formulation

Heterogeneous Teaming with Load Management Decentralized POMDP

| Training

Each agent is equipped with a Decentralized Deep Q-Network with bayesian reasoning on past experience and communicated information.

Instead of training with humans, artificial human agents are created with the following characteristics:

                        Deep Q-Network with Beliefs

| Applications & Studies |

Emergent Strategy Evaluation with Causal Inference and Sub-Team Identification

- (Left) Rule, (Right) RL-trained

Adaptive Team Design

Human-autonomy teaming in Virtual Reality

Cognitive Task Load Adaptive User Interface

Heterogeneity and Risk-aversion

Load Management and Resource Reduction

H. Wu, A. Ghadami, A. E. Bayrak, J. M. Smereka, and B. I. Epureanu, "Evaluating Emergent Coordination in Multi-Agent Task Allocation through Causal Inference and Sub-Team Identification," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 728-735, Feb. 2023. [Open Access]

H. Wu, C. C. Folks, A. E. Bayrak, J. M. Smereka, and B. I. Epureanu, "Human-Autonomy Teaming in Immersive Environments," 2022 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2022, Orlando, FL. [Full Text]

H. Wu, A. Ghadami, A. E. Bayrak, J. M. Smereka, and B. I. Epureanu, "Task Allocation with Load Management in Multi-Agent Teams," 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022, pp. 8823-8830, Philadelphia, PA. [Preprint Version]

--------, "Impact of Heterogeneity and Risk Aversion on Task Allocation in Multi-Agent Teams," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7065-7072, Oct. 2021. [Presented Virtually at 2021 IROS, Prague, Czech Republic] [Open Access]